Senior Community Meals
VolunteerHIP runs two separate Senior Community Meal programs — one at the Lamb of God Lutheran Church and another at the Northgate Community Center focused on East African elders.
Lake City Senior Days
HIP’s Senior Community Meal Program provides a low-cost, nutritious, and delicious hot lunch three days a week for seniors 60 and over. This meal is provided in partnership with Sound Generations, Sea Mar Community Health Centers, Chinese Information and Services Center, and the Lamb of God Church. In addition to the hot meals, it’s also an opportunity for seniors to connect with their peers, build community, and learn new things. Sound Generations coordinates activities for seniors before-and-after lunch, including senior fitness programs, art classes, health checkups, conversation cafés, community presenters, book clubs, and much more.
The meal is open to the community every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30–1:30pm at the Lamb of God Church (12509 27th Ave NE). Suggested donation is $3 for seniors 60 and over and $6 for anyone under 60. Programming runs from 9 am to 3 pm.
Visit the Lake City Seniors website to find our monthly menu, activities, and other information for seniors in the Lake City neighborhood.
East African Elders Program
This specialized meal focuses on serving the growing community of East African elders in north Seattle. Every Tuesday at the Northgate Community Center (10510 5th Ave NE), participants are provided with an authentic East African meal as well as fitness activities, social services, and community-building opportunities. It is one of only two programs in Seattle focusing on this particular population.
This program began in August 2018 in partnership with Sound Generations, Horn of Africa Services, and Seattle Parks & Recreation. Click here for the KING 5 News story on the program’s launch.
For more information about these programs or for ways to get involved, contact us at Interested in volunteering? Fill out our volunteer form!