Saving a paper cup

Saving a paper cup

A paper cup is all I wanted to save. A normal, regular, paper cup. I wasn’t trying to change the world. I wasn’t trying to stop global climate change. I was at one of many ubiquitous coffee shops in Seattle. I had some time on hand and as a good Seattleite, it felt...

Three steps to end hunger

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a step by step recipe on how to end hunger? We know it’s not an unsolvable problem. We have enough food. We have people who need jobs. We have data on what policies work and what don’t. But things are messy. Even when we...
Attitude is not everything

Attitude is not everything

I complain about all the rain storms we are getting this season, or how cold it is some days. We love to talk about the weather here, so it was no surprise when it came up as the conversation topic during one of our senior meals at the Lake City Community Center. I...
What is hunger?

What is hunger?

How long do you have to go without food to be hungry? Do you have to miss a meal regularly to say that you are facing hunger? How frequently does that have to be? Once a week or month? How about once a year? Is hunger a mental state where you are hungry even when you...