by David Salerno | Apr 6, 2023 | Blog, Cooking Tips and Tricks, Healthy Recipes
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to have a few volunteers come and make pitas with me for our meal. We made 120 pitas, which were then served with roasted spiced chickpeas, a lemon dill sauce, and an arugula salad with pickled radish and onions. So...
by hungerintervention | Feb 14, 2023 | Blog, Healthy Recipes
Whenever I am asked about favorite Filipino dishes, I think about what meal I most look forward to when visiting the Philippines. Hands down, it’s Filipino breakfast for me. A common breakfast meal that can be found in the Philippines or Filipino households are...
by hungerintervention | Dec 15, 2020 | Blog, Events, Healthy Recipes
HIP could not have survived 2020 and the pandemic without all the countless volunteers, donors, produce-growers, fundraisers, and community champions who showed up again and again for HIP. Since we can’t throw you a party this year, we’ve put together a...
by hungerintervention | Oct 26, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Recipes
Unripened green tomatoes, of course! If you do gardening, at this time of the year, you are probably left with a lot of green tomatoes and wondering what to do with them. You can make the southern favorite fried green tomatoes, or you can make some healthy...
by hungerintervention | May 18, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Recipes
It happens from time to time: you are stumbling through some underbrush or bushwacking to get back on the proper trail and all of a sudden you feel a dull stinging sensation on your arms or legs. You have been stung by a stinging nettle! Nettle are a herbaceous plant...
by Srijan Chakraborty | May 2, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Recipes
It’s spring-time, and if your yard is anything like mine, you are probably thinking of how to get rid of all the dandelions. They are everywhere, whether you like them of not. They can be a nuisance if you want to maintain a green lawn. But the spread of yellow...