Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Brussels sprouts are in full swing this time of year. They are a cold weather veggie which means that you’re probably seeing them pop up in many holiday recipes. Interestingly, Brussels sprouts taste best and sweetest after enduring a couple of light frosts, so now is the perfect time to give these nibbles a try. While roasted Brussels are a common (and delicious) way to incorporate these cruciferous veggies into a meal, you can try eating them raw in a salad for a little variety. This yummy, coleslaw-esque dish is quick, nutritious, and requires no cooking!

Common name: Brussels sprout

Brussels Sprout and Carrot Salad

Yield: about 8 servings


·        1 lb Brussels sprouts, shredded with a knife or shaved in a food processor

·        1 lb shredded carrot

·        3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

·        1/4 cup olive oil

·        3 tbsp fresh lemon juice


1.   Combine ingredients in a large bowl and toss.