What is green, shaped like a tomato, and nutritious?

by | Oct 26, 2016 | Blog, Healthy Recipes | 0 comments

green-tomatoesUnripened green tomatoes, of course! If you do gardening, at this time of the year, you are probably left with a lot of green tomatoes and wondering what to do with them. You can make the southern favorite fried green tomatoes, or you can make some healthy alternatives that are also delicious! Here are a few ideas that we have collected. What are some of the ways you like to use them? Feel free to share with us!

  • Spicy chutney — Chop them up, mix with some green chilies, onion, and garlic to turn them into a spicy chutney. Use your creativity and add flavors as you like them.
  • Preserved Green tomatoes — you can also preserve them and turn them into sweet and savory jam with lemons, brown sugar, and other spices as you like them.
  • Stew / Chili — add them to some of your favorite stews or chilies to make a tasty variation!

As the first spotlight of the year, we would like to highlight Nick and his immeasurable contribution to our Senior Community Meal program! Nick has helped with check-in for meal service for about 8 years.

Nick found out about HIP through Jerry Berger, one of the founders of HIP, at his local church. What began as a new volunteering experience became a routine part of Nick’s life as a retiree. “Volunteering keeps me busy and is one way for me to socialize.”

As a front-facing volunteer, Nick’s unique position allows him to engage with the people around him as well as observe budding relationships grow. He likes seeing “how seniors grow in their [inter]actions with each other.” and appreciates the camaraderie he sees between HIP staff and volunteers. He also found a physical benefit by getting in some exercise while putting up and taking down tables.

We hope his story will inspire others to volunteer in their communities. In his own words: “Yes I would recommend volunteering at HIP for those that have the time, are looking for a way to help the community, or just need something to do while looking for a job. They could be like me, retired and need to keep busy.”

As a pivotal part of the Senior Meals crew, we are so happy to see Nick’s familiar face every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thank you Nick for all that you do!

Written by hungerintervention

October 26, 2016

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