Every year, Kaffeeklatsch Seattle hosts the Pumpkin Palooza, a free community event celebrating Halloween. At this event, community partners from around Lake City come together and provide fun festivities for families. At the end of the day a pumpkin carving and decorating contest celebrates some of the day’s best creations. Pumpkins are donated from Snohomish farmer Jim Eichner, organic apples come from AG Family Farms, the Lake City Farmers Market and businesses give gift cards and other prizes, and of course, HIP brings the snacks!

This year our spooky snacks included string cheese ghosts, yogurt-covered pretzel ghouls, oranges, and Rice Krispies zombies. To follow COVID-19 protocol, snacks were distributed in take-home baggies. HIP AmeriCorps members and volunteers also got out their costumes and assisted at the event, helping with pumpkin decorating and handing out snacks.

Despite the “bomb cyclone” that hit Seattle during the event, bringing heavy wind and rain with it, the community was not deterred. Dozens of families came out to carve and decorate pumpkins, and picking winners for the contest wasn’t easy.

HIP is always happy to support community events like this one. Data from our most recent census shows that Lake City is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Seattle. The Pumpkin Palooza ensures that Lake City families are able to celebrate Halloween, no matter their background. We hope to see you at next year’s event!