Our March 2024 Volunteer Spotlight was Spencer! Spencer has been volunteering with HIP for at least two years. You’ll often find him serving meals in our Senior Community Meals program at the Lamb of God Church. He likes to help out whenever he can find time to volunteer on the days he is not working. Spencer found out about HIP by searching online for a volunteer job, and he likes the ease of signing up for specific shifts online using our Sign-up Genius page. He says that he likes volunteering with HIP because he likes to help feed the seniors who participate in our program.
Spencer says that he would like to explore other volunteering opportunities with HIP as well. He has had such a great time with Senior Community Meals that he has been happy to come back and help whenever possible. He always appreciates being thanked for the work he does with us. We want to thank Spencer for all his time and effort in helping HIP.