HIP’s Wellness Powerhouse

by | Feb 18, 2021 | Healthy Eating, News / Press Release, Programs | 0 comments

Claire Dunn came to HIP as an AmeriCorps volunteer with an interest in preventative medicine and a goal to eventually attend medical school.

While she was disappointed that HIP could no longer hold in-person cooking and nutrition classes due to the COVID pandemic, she didn’t let that stop her.

Claire created an entirely new Wellness Pilot Program that delivers food and health tips directly to families, right to their homes. Her goals are to reduce barriers to healthy eating and encourage overall health for all families in the program. Printed materials are available in four languages: English, Spanish, Tigrinya, and Arabic, based on families’ requests.

What is the Wellness Program?

Once a week for five weeks, families receive a wellness kit, with a different recipe and tips each week. The recipes are based on nutritious foods that are inexpensive and easy to access. Each kit includes:

  • a simple, healthy recipe
  • all the groceries for the recipe, including spices and fresh produce
  • a fun family fitness activity
  • a mindfulness activity that works for children and adults

How is it going?

Thank you so much,my 13-year-old daughter gets very excited to cook and she said the recipe was easy and yummy.

HIP expected to serve about 25 families in the pilot program. Instead, 84 families are receiving wellness kits and we have a waiting list of 15! Families are already sending in rave reviews, including these quotes. After the first five weeks, HIP expects to repeat the program for waiting families and more, until we are able to hold in-person cooking and nutrition classes again.

Wow 🤩 I had a great time making this recipe yesterday! I even had a try at naan! Thanks so much it’s really great!

Hi Claire, Just wanted to thank you for the food box this week. The kids have been loving the pistachios. We have yet to make the dal, but are excited to give it a try! So very appreciated!

Written by hungerintervention

February 18, 2021

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